
Moments of life: together we were

বিকেলের আলোয় কয়েকজন যুবক

Moments that have passed never returns, no matter how you try to repeat it. It was Sunday afternoon when I had just returned from Waterloo after a 2-day visit to Mursalin and Jyoti bhabi in Kitchener.

We met at Aitq bhai's apartment, had lunch and then went out for a walk down the riverside. Summer is in the air, and the air is hot. Riverside drive is almost barren due to construction. Dust have accumulated on the flowers in the roadside gardens. Could not find anything to shoot. Ox-eye daisies are no more! Got to look for them to shoot this summer before they are gone for the season.


  1. Awesome picture!!!

    The new template also gave a serene look. Is this a Wordpress template? Can Wordpress themes be used for Blogger? I'm so frustrated about changing templates these days! :(

  2. @Mind Writer!

    I'm surprised to see you here! I was testing the template with the photo that I took last weekend. The template will be replaced again, soon. The black background is not what I like.

  3. LOL... I thought the leftmost person is a woman!
